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Gender, Emancipation, and Political Violence Rethinking the Legacy of 1968
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Gender, Emancipation, and Political Violence Rethinking the Legacy of 1968
Free Download Sarah Colvin, Katharina Karcher, "Gender, Emancipation, and Political Violence: Rethinking the Legacy of 1968" English | 2020 | ISBN: 036747171X | EPUB | pages: 174 | 0.6 mb This volume presents and interrogates both theoretical and artistic expressions of the revolutionary, militant spirit associated with "1968" and the aftermath, in the specific context of gender.
Gender and Mobility A Critical Introduction
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Gender and Mobility A Critical Introduction
Free Download Elina Penttinen, Anitta Kynsilehto, "Gender and Mobility: A Critical Introduction" English | 2017 | ISBN: 1786602687 | EPUB | pages: 194 | 0.6 mb Our world is characterized by mobility. The number of refugees on the global scale has increased considerably. Meanwhile border control measures and legal avenues for mobility have been severely curbed, and the political climate has become all the more violent against racialized and gendered "Others". Business elites
Gender and Crisis in Global Politics
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Gender and Crisis in Global Politics
Free Download Laura Sjoberg, "Gender and Crisis in Global Politics" English | 2018 | ISBN: 0367026287 | EPUB | pages: 128 | 0.3 mb The global political arena is (again) in a time of crisis. Different sources pay attention to different crises: the Global Financial Crisis, the Debt Crisis, the Crisis of ISIL/Daesh in Iraq and Syria, the Crisis of Israel and Palestine, and the Iran Nuclear Crisis have gotten significant attention in media coverage of global politics. But those are not
Gender Politics and Security Discourse Personal–Political Imaginations and Feminism in 'Post–conflict' Serbia
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Gender Politics and Security Discourse Personal–Political Imaginations and Feminism in 'Post–conflict' Serbia
Free Download Laura McLeod, "Gender Politics and Security Discourse: Personal-Political Imaginations and Feminism in 'Post-conflict' Serbia" English | 2015 | ISBN: 1138795666 | EPUB | pages: 174 | 0.8 mb This book investigates competing modes of thought about gender security and aims to understand the policy implications of personal-political imaginations.
Gender Politics and Post–Communism Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union
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Gender Politics and Post–Communism Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union
Free Download Nanette Funk, Magda Mueller, "Gender Politics and Post-Communism: Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union" English | 2020 | ISBN: 1138388173 | EPUB | pages: 362 | 0.6 mb In the wake of communism's decline, women's concerns had become increasingly important in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Yet most discussions of post-communism changes had neglected women's experiences.
Gems of Art on Paper Illustrated American Fiction and Poetry, 1785–1885
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Gems of Art on Paper Illustrated American Fiction and Poetry, 1785–1885
Free Download Georgia Brady Barnhill, "Gems of Art on Paper: Illustrated American Fiction and Poetry, 1785-1885" English | 2021 | ISBN: 1625346212 | PDF | pages: 358 | 62.8 mb Winner of the 2022 Ewell L. Newman Book Award from the American Historical Print Collectors Society
Geldpolitik und Kreditzyklen aus makroprudenzieller Sicht
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Geldpolitik und Kreditzyklen aus makroprudenzieller Sicht
Free Download Geldpolitik und Kreditzyklen aus makroprudenzieller Sicht Deutsch | 2025 | ISBN: 3658465972 | 130 Pages | PDF (True) | 2 MB Das vorliegende Buch betrachtet die Verbindung zwischen Geldpolitik und Kreditzyklen aus einer makroprudenziellen Perspektive. Es wird untersucht, welchen Einfluss die Berücksichtigung der Kreditvergabe in geldpolitischen Maßnahmen auf die Erreichung der Ziele von stabilen Preisen und einer stabilen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung ausübt. In einer detaillierten
Gefährliche Nähe. Salafismus und Dschihadismus in Deutschland
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Gefährliche Nähe. Salafismus und Dschihadismus in Deutschland
Free Download Klaus Hummel, "Gefährliche Nähe. Salafismus und Dschihadismus in Deutschland" Deutsch | 2014 | ISBN: 3838205693 | EPUB | pages: 298 | 0.7 mb Salafismus und Dschihadismus stehen im Mittelpunkt innerdeutscher Sicherheitsdiskussionen. Die salafistische Missionierung ist erfolgreich wie nie zuvor, und der Dschihad in Afghanistan oder Syrien zieht die Islamisten aus Deutschland an. Der vorliegende Sammelband beleuchtet aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven die derzeit
Gay Art
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Gay Art
Free Download Gay Art by James Smalls English | January 3, 2020 | ISBN: 1646993098 | 288 pages | MOBI | 37 Mb This book is not a panegyric of homosexuality. It is a scientific study led by Professor James Smalls who teaches art history at the prestigious University of Maryland in Baltimore. his work examines the process of creation and allows one to comprehend the contribution of homosexuality to the evolution of emotional perception. In a time when all barriers have been overcome, this
Gauge Theory and the Geometrisation of Physics
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Gauge Theory and the Geometrisation of Physics
Free Download Gauge Theory and the Geometrisation of Physics English | 2025 | ISBN: 1009548115 | 84 Pages | PDF (True) | 4.4 MB This Element is broadly about the geometrization of physics, but mostly it is about gauge theories. Gauge theories lie at the heart of modern physics: in particular, they constitute the Standard Model of particle physics. At its simplest, the idea of gauge is that nature is best described using a descriptively redundant language; the different descriptions are said to